Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Moral of the Story...or Stories
Sunday, November 29, 2009
For Anyone Who Has Been Referred to as "That Person with the iPhone"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How to be a Top Dog...Without Drooling on Everyone
Another detail that needs to be considered when you're a high achiever at work (I'm avoiding the term over-achiever) is to consider how your big successes affect other people. While coming up with the greatest new project is fantastic, you need to consider how it plays into the lives of everyone else. If you were given assistance on your project by anyone, it is important to acknowledge their involvement. Contrary to some thoughts, going it alone is not always best. If you have asked the appropriate sources for extra information and assistance and acknowledge that, it shows that you are not trying to hog the spot light and that you have done your research. Also, when you propose a project you need to consider the project scope from multiple roles. You should look at the project from an operations stand point, financial perspective, and give it a thorough technical review. Is your project going to benefit the company long term? Will this be a source of financial gain for the company? Is this project going to put your manufacturing floor at risk? What do you need to do to prevent health, environmental and safety accidents from happening? As many of my co-workers at a certain oil refinery said, if something is dangerous, you need to engineer the safety into it. This means reinforcing structures to add more support, adding in secure rails to tie off a harness to and clearly marking all safety and health risks.
The last detail to cover is something I've mentioned several times in the past. In many and almost all cases, respect leads to respect. If you respect someone's opinions, etc. (this doesn't mean you have to agree with them), there is a solid chance they will respect you in return or at least feel obliged to act respectfully towards you. Keep this in mind while working on projects that put you at risk of stepping all over people's toes. If you are informative and take responsibility for your successes and failures, you will hopefully succeed in winning over their approval. While there are always going to be people who don't want to have anything to do with you or your new project, in many cases, utilizing these tips will help you succeed.
That's about all for now. I'll be back next week for more fun with Eva McSpartan. If you have any questions please send them to or comment on an entry.
Like always,
...and GOBBLE GOBBLE! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Exams Exams Everywhere & All I Want To Do is Nap!
Even though there's still a month left until Final Exams, I'd like to take a bit of time to cover a few other exams you should consider taking. I've divided the exams up by what kind of employment track you would be looking into.
Technical Track
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (Link to GRE Site)
GRE® General Test Overview (from ETS Site)
What Is It?
The GRE® General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills that are not related to any specific field of study.
Verbal Reasoning — The skills measured include the test taker's ability to:
- analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it
- analyze relationships among component parts of sentences
- recognize relationships between words and concepts
Quantitative Reasoning — The skills measured include the test taker's ability to:
- understand basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis
- reason quantitatively
- solve problems in a quantitative setting
Analytical Writing — The skills measured include the test taker's ability to:
- articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively
- examine claims and accompanying evidence
- support ideas with relevant reasons and examples
- sustain a well-focused, coherent discussion
- control the elements of standard written English
Who Takes It and Why?
Prospective graduate applicants take the General Test. GRE test scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement undergraduate records and other qualifications for graduate study. The scores provide common measures for comparing the qualifications of applicants and aid in evaluating grades and recommendations.
Where Do People Take It?
The General Test is offered year-round at computer-based test centers in the United States, Canada and many other countries. It is offered at paper-based test centers in areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available. See which format is available in your area.
Who Accepts It?
Any graduate or professional school, any department or division within a school, or any fellowship granting organization may require or recommend that its applicants take the General Test, a Subject Test, or both.
Fundamentals of Engineering/Professional Engineer (FE/EIT/PE): (Link to NCEES Site)
(Description from NCEES Site)
Why take a Fundamentals (FE/FS) exam?
To pursue a professional license, you must pass one of the Fundamentals (FE/FS) examinations:
- Engineering licensure candidates: take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.
- Surveying licensure candidates: take the Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exam.
Exam waiver: The Fundamentals exam may be waived for an engineer or surveyor who has earned an advanced academic degree and/or acquired many years of work experience. Guidelines vary greatly for each jurisdiction.
Who is eligible to take a Fundamentals exam?
Rules vary greatly for each jurisdiction, go to for details.
What material is covered in the exams?
- The FE exam covers subject matter taught in a typical EAC/ABET-accredited baccalaureate engineering program. It appropriately covers a comprehensive range of subjects in engineering.
- The FS exam covers subject matter taught in a typical ASAC/ABET-accredited baccalaureate surveying program. It appropriately covers a comprehensive range of subjects in surveying.Go to Study Materials for reference books and sample exam questions.
What is the format of the Fundamentals exams?
- Each exam is 8 hours long, with one 4-hour session in the morning and another in the afternoon. Examinees must participate in both sessions on the same day. Both exams are closed book, and reference material is supplied. All questions are multiple choice.
- The FE exam consists of 180 multiple-choice questions. During the morning session, all examinees take a general exam common to all disciplines. During the afternoon session, examinees can opt to take a general exam or a discipline-specific (chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, industrial, or mechanical) exam.
- The FS exam consists of 170 multiple-choice questions. Examinees take a general exam in both the morning and afternoon sessions.
- FE examinees will be furnished a copy of the FE Supplied-Reference Handbook at the exam site. This is the only reference material you will use during the exam.
- FS examinees will be furnished a copy of the FS reference formulas at the exam site. This is the only reference material you will use during the exam.
After I pass a Fundamentals exam, what's next?
Passing a Fundamentals exam is the first step toward licensure. To continue the licensure process, complete the following:
- Obtain at least 4 years of experience deemed acceptable to your licensing board
- Take one of the Principles and Practice (PE/PS) exams.
How do the Fundamentals exams differ from the Principles and Practice exams?
- The Fundamentals (FE/FS) exams cover subject matter in a typical EAC/ABET-accredited baccalaureate engineering curriculum or ASAC/ABET-accredited baccalaureate surveying curriculum.
- The Principles and Practice (PE/PS) exams go beyond testing academic knowledge and require knowledge gained in engineering or surveying practice.
- Both exams are required for professional licensure.
Business Track
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT):
(Description from More Info at and
The GMAT exam is a standardized assessment, delivered in English, that helps business schools assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced study in business and management. By taking the GMAT exam, you have a better chance of being targeted by business schools that are a good match for you—and learning more about their programs and admissions processes. You can help them find you by creating an profile and opting in to being contacted by schools. Schools use the test as one predictor of academic performance in an MBA program or in other graduate management programs.
How much does it cost to take the GMAT® exam?
The cost to take the GMAT exam is US$250 globally.
Where can I take the GMAT® exam?
The GMAT exam is delivered in testing centers around the world.
What schools use GMAT® scores?
Over 1900 graduate business schools around the world use GMAT scores as a part of their admissions process.
How can I prepare to take the GMAT® exam?
The Graduate Management Admission Council® provides free test preparation software and preparation materials to purchase as well as suggestions about how to prepare for the exam.
What does the GMAT® exam measure?
The GMAT exam measures basic verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills that you have developed in your education and work.
How long are GMAT® scores valid?
Your GMAT score is valid for five years, so you have the flexibility of “banking it”—choosing to start your graduate studies right after university or later on. Remember, if at first you don’t succeed, you can take the GMAT exam again. Remember, though, that all of your GMAT scores from the past 5 years will appear on your Official Score Report.
Professional Track
Law School Admission Test (LSAT):
(Description and More Info at
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day, standardized test administered four times each year at designated testing centers throughout the world. All American Bar Association-approved law schools, most Canadian law schools, and many other law schools require applicants to take the LSAT as part of their admission process.
In the US, Canada, the Caribbean, and some other countries, the LSAT is administered on a Saturday, except in June, when it is generally administered on a Monday. For Saturday Sabbath observers, the test is also administered on a weekday following Saturday administrations.
Many law schools require that the LSAT be taken by December for admission the following fall. However, taking the test earlier—in June or September—is often advised. Some schools place greater weight than others on the LSAT; most law schools do evaluate your full range of credentials.
Test Format
The test consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple-choice questions. Four of the five sections contribute to the test taker’s score. The unscored section, commonly referred to as the variable section, typically is used to pretest new test questions or to preequate new test forms. The placement of this section will vary. A 35-minute writing sample is administered at the end of the test. LSAC does not score the writing sample, but copies of the writing sample are sent to all law schools to which you apply.
What the Test Measures
The LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school: the reading and comprehension of complex texts with accuracy and insight; the organization and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable inferences from it; the ability to think critically; and the analysis and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others.
The three multiple-choice question types in the LSAT are:
Reading Comprehension Questions
These questions measure your ability to read, with understanding and insight, examples of lengthy and complex materials similar to those commonly encountered in law school work. The reading comprehension section contains four sets of reading questions, each consisting of a selection of reading material, followed by five to eight questions that test reading and reasoning abilities.
Analytical Reasoning Questions
These questions are designed to measure your ability to understand a structure of relationships and to draw logical conclusions about that structure. You are asked to make deductions from a set of statements, rules, or conditions that describe relationships among entities such as persons, places, things, or events. They simulate the kinds of detailed analyses of relationships that a law student must perform in solving legal problems.
Logical Reasoning Questions
These questions are designed to evaluate your ability to understand, analyze, criticize, and complete a variety of arguments. Each logical reasoning question requires you to read and comprehend a short passage, then answer a question about it. The questions test a variety of abilities involved in reasoning logically and thinking critically.
The registration fee for the LSAT is $123. If you meet certain criteria, you may qualify for an LSAC fee waiver. Late registrants must pay an additional $62.
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT):
(Description and More Info at
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess the examinee's problem solving, critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine. Scores are reported in Verbal Reasoning, Physical Sciences, Writing Sample, and Biological Sciences. Medical colleges consider MCAT exam scores as part of their admission process.
Almost all U.S. medical schools require applicants to submit MCAT exam scores. Many schools do not accept MCAT exam scores that are more than three years old.
Preparing for the Exam
Order practice tests, review content descriptions for each section of the exam, see a sample study plan.
Reserving a Seat
Locate an available test center, reserve a seat, apply for accommodations, and check the registration deadlines.
- 2010 MCAT Essentials (PDF)
- 2010 Registration Deadline and Score Release Schedule
- Registration Tips
- More Reserving a Seat
Taking the Exam
Understand admission requirements and other test day policies and procedures, and submit a test center concern.
Releasing Your Scores
Check the score release schedule, view your scores, and send your scores to schools.
Okay, so hopefully that gives you a good idea of what exams may need to be in your future depending on what kind of track you are looking at. Since a lot of this information is directly cited from exam websites if you'd like additional information the best thing to do is check out some of the sites provided.
If you have any questions about other career-related topics, please feel free to e-mail me at
Like always,
Good Luck Job Seekers!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
One Month Left of Eva McSpartan!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Are YOU Financially Savvy??
- Create a cushion fund in addition to your budget that can help you through a fair amount of financial trauma. If you lose your job, have to deal with extensive fees, or your car takes a flying dump, it's important to have a cushion fund to help break your fall.
- Look into investing into your 401K each month or a long term savings plan.
- Look into ways of saving through your bank. Many banks allow you to create CDs that earn interest each month. There's usually a minimum balance of $500 or so. These are good and bad because you cannot withdraw funds from the CD before it rolls over unless you want to pay an early withdraw fee.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Signing Your One Way Ticket Out of Sleep Deprivation
First of all, when negotiating your final offer, you need to look at your salary, benefits, and start date/location. While salaries with most larger companies and development programs are usually mandated by a strict pay structure policy, some companies will be flexible with salary negotiations. While negotiating salary think about several things:
- Unless a company says that a signing bonus will be a certain amount after taxes, assume that 30-40% of your signing bonus will be taken in taxes.
- Check the cost of living and search a few apartments in the area you are planning on living. $50,000 a year in Lansing goes a lot further than $50,000 a year in New York City or Washington, DC.
- A good set of benefits are worth big $$! Having low co-pays and great medical benefits will help in the long run, especially if you plan on staying with a company for many years. It may seen small now, but having good medical, dental, and vision insurance will literally save you thousands of dollars in the future.
- Companies with solid investment and savings programs get an A+ because they help their employees made the most of their investment and savings strategies.
When it comes to your start date, it's always a good idea to discuss your options with your company of choice. Having a few weeks to recover from school and possibly travel may be the difference between you being a happy camper or being a burnt out camper after a few months on the job. Keep in mind that most companies only give you 10 days (2 weeks) vacation starting out so the odds of you being able to take 3-4 weeks off to travel around the world are slim to none for your first few years of work. If you are dead set on starting out at the your job right away, that is fine, but know that you may be missing out on an opportunity to relax, spend time with family/friends, and feel like a human being again before having to start work. Even though making money is a very good thing, if you can afford to take some time off it may be worth every penny you have to earn back to cover your expenses during that time.
When Things Go Bad
Given that the current economy is pretty sad, it is important to consider the worst case scenario. Several companies in the last few years have been forced to rescind job offers or make significant cuts to their younger work force. Just because you have a full-time offer doesn't mean it's going to be there forever. Make sure to work hard and get noticed at work, but also make sure to keep your resume updated and continue training to develop your skills.
On the other hand, there may be a point that you decide that you no longer wish to work for a company. If you decide this before starting your job, but after sending in your final acceptance, it is important that you understand something. If you decide to rescind your acceptance, you are burning a bridge with a company. There are NO take-backs. It is generally safe to assume that if you accepted a job then decide 2 months before you start that you want to back out, you have officially burned a bridge with that company. Do not expect them to go out of their way to get you back if you decide that you made the wrong decision. There's a big different between declining an offer right away and backing out at the last minute.
On the topic of burning bridges, it is very important that when accepting and/or declining offers, you be as polite and professional as possible. Throwing an offer in a company's face because it is "too low" or "not competitive enough" is a solid way to torch any relationship you had with that company. Behaving like that is immature and not one bit professional. Let's put it this way, treat a company giving you an offer like your grandmother trying to give you a cookie. You wouldn't tell your grandmother to shove the offered cookie where the sun doesn't shine. If you would, well, then you're just not a nice person. Keep this idea in mind when declining an offer from a company. Be polite and concise with your rejection. Tell them that you appreciate that they took time out of their busy day to help you and that you wish them all the best. Even though you may be closing the door on a company for now, it's a good idea to make sure that door is not bolted and boarded shut for the future when that company may be a good choice for you.
That's all I have for this week. Hopefully this is helpful to any of the seniors out there who are trying to decide on their future employers. If you have any additional questions, please send them to me at
Like always,
Good Luck Job Seekers!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Offer Letter 101

The Gut Approach
The next approach to figuring out which offer will be the right one is going with your gut. When it comes down it to, money and ego do not matter that much. Go with the offer that you think you'll be the happiest in. Sometimes there's more to life than being able to bring in the bacon (and a whole lot of it).

Oink Oink.
One good thing to do when you're trying to figure out which job offer to take is to ask around. Talk to people who have worked with the companies you are looking at and ask them questions about how they like their jobs and the company in general. It's important to take a bit of caution when talking to others about your job choices because in some cases what they think you should do has nothing to do with what is best for you. Take your peers' advice with a grain of salt in some cases knowing that when push comes to shove, this is your life.
Making the Final Decision
When you finally figure out which offer you would like to accept, it is important that you do several things.
- Mail your letter of acceptance and any additional paperwork required by your company.
- Send letters of decline and/or call the recruiter/HR representative you worked with during the interview process to inform them that you have chosen to decline their job offer.
- Send "Thank You" notes to any recruiters, HR representatives, or employees who assisted you with the interview process.
- Make sure to review your prospective company's benefits packages. Things like medical, dental, and vision insurance are VERY important!
When dealing with job offers there are some things that everyone should avoid. While negotiation is appropriate in some cases, getting all crazy with it should really be avoided. If you feel like a company is totally low-balling you, talk with career advisors to determine appropriate starting salaries for certain skill levels and geographic locations. Another thing to avoid while dealing with offers is overstepping your bounds by being rude or arrogant. Even though a company may be willing to offer you a job, that doesn't mean you have the right to boss them around and demand completely ridiculous conditions. Always be respectful of everyone and anyone who takes time out their busy day to lend you a hand!
That's about it for now. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to send them to
Like always,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Welcome to Limbo...Feel Anxious Yet?
First of all, if you attended career fair, but did not interview with anyone, it's time for you to get on MySpartanCareer, check out company websites, and get networking. If you don't know what to do, check out some of my older entries for tips on all of this. If you still feel lost, send me an e-mail at and I'll see what I can do to help. I will probably ask you these questions before I provide any answers:
- Do you have an updated resume? Have you ever had it critiqued?
- Did you attend Career Gallery? Who did you talk to?
- Have you submitted your resume online on MySpartanCareer and company websites?
- Have you networked with company recruiters by going to information sessions, college events or through friends?
The last topic I'd like to cover for this week is maintaining contact with recruiters. Frequently, students will talk to recruiters here and there in the fall or during their internship/co-op search, but lose touch as soon as school gets crazy. Then in the spring when they are strapped for a job offer, they forget that they have all these great connections, but haven't done anything with them. One great tip I have for students is to maintain your network of contacts! Check in with your contacts every now and then by dropping them a quick e-mail wishing them well. For example, I did an internship a few years ago at a company that I was interested in working at full-time after graduation. I've maintained contact with several co-workers and recruiters for the company by making sure to send them brief updates about what I've been up to and sending updated resumes to recruiters stating my interest in starting with the company full-time. This has worked to my advantage because now that I'm close to graduation, I have open lines of communication with that company to be able to apply for full-time employment.
That's about all for now. Please send me any questions you may have via or by writing comments on an entry. Don't be shy! :)
Like always,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Interviews: A Love-Hate Relationship Explained

Now that you've all rocked the career fair with your snazzy 30 second introductions, refined resumes, and sharp sense of style, it's time to learn the art of interviewing. For some of you, interviewing is an entirely new subject that you're just starting to explore as you try to find internships or co-ops for this coming year. For others, you've experienced many interviews...some good, and some bad.
Things to Do Before Your Interview
- Research the company you will be interviewing with! I have said it many times, but I will say it again. Doing research will help you in the long run. You will ask more informed questions and are more likely to impress recruiters with your ambition and preparedness.
- Think of 5-10 standard questions to ask during your interviews. Some of my old favorites include: "What opportunities does your company have for advanced education and training?", "Will I be required or able to relocate within your company? Where? How often?", "What is you company structure? Company culture?", and "What do you enjoy most about working for your company?".
- Think of 3-5 company specific questions to ask. These could involve the company's recent financial standings, recent relevant news relating to the company, the company mission (usually on their website), a product line they offer, or any services they may offer. It's okay to ask questions that a recruiter may not know.
- Review sample interview questions (you can literally find hundreds online) and talk through them in your head or with a friend. Pulling support from your experiences is always a good thing to do when answering a question. If a recruiter asks for a time when you were challenged by a technical experience, talk about something that has actually happened. If you DO NOT have an example from work, academics, or your personal life, DO NOT make something up. Say that you haven't had a situation like that so far and talk about something you have done to prevent that. For example, if I am asked about dealing with someone I didn't quite get along with, but I haven't had a situation like that ever, then I'd say, "To be honest, I haven't had a whole lot of difficulty with that. I think it is because I make a point to be open and respect other people's opinions and boundaries. I may not always agree with everyone, but I've never had a case where that has been escalated to an unfavorable situation." The recruiter will either ask more about what you've done to prevent unfavorable situations from occurring or move on to the next question.
- If you can, schedule a mock interview with your local career center or ask a friend/family member to ask you sample interview questions.
Non-Verbal Communication
Believe it or not, a large percentage of communication and first impressions are dependent on non-verbal communication. For some of you this may come as a big surprise and for others, you've known this all along. For example, if you dress sloppily for an interview with an uneven tie, messed up hair, and a food-stained suit coat, you send the signal that you are unorganized and can't hold it together long enough to get through an interview. Making sure that you look cleaned up and polished for an interview is one of the first steps to sending out positive vibes. Another component of non-verbal communication is body language. How you shake hands, make (or don't make) eye contact, if you fold your arms across your body, if you smile, and even the position of your eyebrows, all say something to a recruiter. Think about this...when you're talking to one of your friends, if they constantly look away from you, have their arms folded across their body, and have pursed lips, what impression do you get? When interviewing, it is important to exude positive non-verbal communication.
Let's do a little exercise. Compare the pictures below. Which one of the guys in these pictures would you hire? Considering that you've probably never met these people and are just looking at them for five seconds or less, you would never know their qualifications or job experience.
Probably the first one, right? His shirt is tucked in, he looks sharps, and it's obvious that he made an effort to look presentable for the interview. I'm not knocking the classy teal suit in the third picture, but it's probably not going to give off the vibes you want to project. And it's WAY outdated.
Tips for the Big Interview
- Have an extra copy of your resume on hand just in case. It's usually good to have a portfolio as well with an extra resume, pen, place to put business cards, and place to write down questions or write notes.
- Don't be afraid to talk about your accomplishments. There's a big difference between being an arrogant turd and taking pride in your accomplishments and experiences. While being an arrogant turd is not advisable, being proud of what you've worked hard on and pointing out moments where you stood out as a superstar is definitely advisable.
- Don't be afraid of a little silence. If you are stumped on a question or don't have an immediate answer, it is okay to pause for a few moments, take a deep breath, review the question in your head, and continue from there. Recruiters know that you won't know all the answers immediately. Rushing into an answer isn't going to make you look better. Especially if you don't know where you're going with what you're talking about if you rush into an answer.
- Always finish your interview strong. Ask for contact information for each recruiter you talk to and follow up the interview with a concise "thank you" e-mail. Take a few moments at the end of your interview to state your interest in the company if you really want a position. Sometimes your interest in a position may not come out in an interview (it seems silly, but it's true) so it can be important to just say "Based on what we've talked about today, I think I'd be a great fit for your company and this position. I'm looking forward to hearing back from you about this position. If I have any additional questions, what is the best way to contact you? Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate it."
- Be on time for your interview! That means at least 5 minutes early!
- Always be kind and pleasant to everyone you meet from the time you get out of your car to go into an interview and when you get back into your car at the end of an interview. You never know who you will speak with or meet in the elevator. Being rude to an administrative assistant is not acceptable no matter what the situation. One remark from anyone in the office about how you scoffed at them in the elevator could be the difference between you getting a call back and you hearing crickets.
- Don't be a no show. If you have to cancel an interview, do it at least 24 hours before the interview is scheduled. If you skip out of an interview through MSU Career Services, your MySpartanCareer account WILL be frozen and you'll have to send a letter of apology to the recruiter you were set to meet with.
- Follow up with your interviewers if you haven't heard anything in 5-10 days. You don't have to be rude or snobby with your follow-ups either. Just say "Hello ____ - I just wanted to check-in with you regarding our interview the other day. I haven't heard anything back yet and just wanted to know if there's anything you need or anything I can do to help make the process easier for you. Thanks again for your time! Regards - Eva McSpartan."
The STAR Method
The most popular interviewing style at the moment involves the STAR method. STAR stands for Situation-Task-Action-Results. Interview questions may include "Tell me about a time that you had trouble meeting a deadline." and "Tell me about a time you had to pool your resources to solve a problem." The majority of these questions usually start with the phrase "Tell me about a time..." The important thing to remember with these questions is that you need to think about every aspect of the STAR acronym. Give a situation, talk about tasks you had to perform to deal with the situation, the action you took to accomplish all of these things, and the overall results relating to the situation.
That should just about sum it up for now. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me at or by writing comments to this post.
Like always,
Good Luck Job Seekers!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Let's Get Ready to Rumble: Career Fair Style
Now let's talk about the things you NEED to be doing to set yourself up for success this career fair season.
Things to Do Before the Career Fair
- Do your research! Figure out what companies you definitely want to talk to and have company profiles made for them. Need help making a company list? Go here: Any questions on how to make company profiles? Go here:
- Apply to companies online that you plan on visiting at the career fair. Have beef with applying online? Go here and find out ways to stand out: Add a cover letter to your online application, too! Any questions? Don't have a resume?! Go here: And here:
- Set out everything you need the night before the Career Gallery. This should include the clothes you plan on wearing, at least 10-20 copies of your resume printed on resume paper (you can find this at any office supplies store or campus bookstore), portfolio to hold your resumes, and a list of the companies you'd like to visit.
- Looking sharp at the career fair is a must! If possible, normal attire for a career fair is a suit. This means that your suit and shirt should be pressed and tidy. You should be showered, hair done, and shirts tucked in. If you don't have a suit, business casual is a must. For guys, this is nice slacks, nice shoes, a belt if necessary, a button-up shirt that is ironed and tucked in, and a tie that matches the shirt. If you do not know if you tie matches your shirt, call your mom or ask a friend. For girls, if you don't have a suit to wear, its important to at least where nice slacks or a skirt and a nice top. Make sure to keep it conservative. Showing off your cleavage is a bad idea.
- Make sure to have a "30 Second Introduction" prepared and rehearse it a few times in your head or with a friend. It should sound something along the lines of "Hello, my name is Eva McSpartan. I'm a senior mechanical engineering student looking for a full-time position. I've done some research on your company and think that your company does a great job with _____(insert product type or process or cultural highlight)."
- Never EVER EVER go up to a company and say "Hey, so what exactly is it that your company does?" This question is like the kiss of death. Don't ask it. Be prepared.
- Demonstrate how prepared you are by having your resume ready to pass out and do research about the companies you plan on talking to beforehand.
- Make sure to have a good handshake. Be firm, but not too forceful. If you shake hands like a limp fish you should seriously reconsider your choice in hand shake. A limp handshake says "I just don't care. And I'm a total pushover."
- Apply to companies online before talking to them at the career fair.
- SMILE! :)
- If you're really interested in interviewing with a company, ask the recruiter if they will be interviewing on campus and if you can get onto the schedule. It seems forward, but if you show the interest and have the goods to back it up, they will probably hook you up.
- Make sure to ask for a business card or contact information from the recruiter.
- Send "Thank You" e-mails to the recruiters you talk to during the career fair. This is a great way to mention something that you were really interested in that you discussed or bring up something that you didn't get to cover with them. It's usually advisable to attach an updated version of your resume as well for reference.
Friday, October 2, 2009
REMINDER: Career Gallery is COMING UP!
Career Gallery is COMING UP!
Take this opportunity to meet company recruiters from over 200 companies! Pass out your resume! Get an interview!
Any questions? Check out the website at:
More questions? Stop by any MSU Career Services Center.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Have You Networked Today?

Networking 101
Now let's start talking about how to network. Networking is a popular buzzword that is defined by the professional relationships you make to positively impact anything from your day-to-day career to your long-term career goals. You can literally network with just about anyone...people in your classes, the people you work with, someone you meet on the street, etc. The first part of networking is starting a conversation with someone and finding a common interest or belief. If you talk to a recruiter who is into deep sea fishing and you are a total deep sea fishing fanatic, you've just started your network! Don't be afraid to talk to anyone and everyone. Being shy just is not a good excuse not to talk to people. You'd be surprised who you can strike up conversation with if you try. For example, I've struck up conversations with recruiters while at work that I ended up interviewing with or just plain being friends with. Many of them are still in my network. Now here's the big secret about's just talking. If you can strike up a can network.
For extra resources with networking, please reference these past entries:
How to Use LinkedIn:
Maintaining Your Network:
Hopefully all this helps! Now get out there and network!
Like always,